Staying Positive
- May 19, 2020
- Posted by: Niti Agrawal
- Category: Blog

We all know that having a positive outlook makes everything better. However, it is hard in these challenging times! It is easy to just see only the negative, to be worried and anxious about the future. I try to fight this urge and look for what brings me joy; and what I can do now that I didn’t do before. So, here are some of the “new” activities I am doing to enhance my well-being: planting a vegetable garden (literally haven’t done this in decades) – love seeing my plants grow and even planted herbs from seeds. I watch them each day to see if they are OK.😊 Daily walks with my sons – Now that my “babies” are home, we can take walks in the neighborhood and have lovely conversations – sometimes insightful, sometimes super silly, but always fun. Haven’t been able to do this for years, and I realize that I love my new relationships with my “men.” 6 feet apart meetings – seeing friends while staying far away – no drinks/no food, just talking and connecting. I realize how much I value my friends and the energy they give me. It is not about the great restaurant or going out, it is really the conversations and caring for each other – and we can still do that.
What are the ways you are staying positive?